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Sick game! I managed to recover the bodies - I'll attach the map I ended up with at the end because I think it's cool.

I love the concept of drawing out a map, and the concept of having to reference some out-of-game documents, but I will say in practice the documents were quite hard to understand. This was partially because the handwriting was hard to parse sometimes, but also it often seemed like the journal didn't really match up with the game world. Even after finding the bodies and looking back at my map, I couldn't really see how it related to the various diagrams and maps and instructions in the journal, which meant I spent a lot of my playthrough feeling like I was just blindly wandering and hoping I was going in the right direction (which was still fun, with the map-drawing, but occasionally crossed the line in to tedious)

Also, absolutely love the artstyle and aesthetic. 10/10

Really excited to see whatever you come up with next!


Thanks for playing through the game! I’m glad you liked the style, cause it was the part I spent the longest on.

It’s helpful to know the issues with the balance, I wasn’t sure how useful I should have made the journal, vs making it feel authentic (hence the poor attempt at cursive handwriting ~.~) and therefore difficult to use as a guide.

I really appreciate the criticism! Having people seriously consider the design and give feedback is one of my favorite things about jams. Also it’s so awesome seeing your map, thanks for sharing! It’s cool how differently people draw them. I have to say yours is the closest to looking like the map layout in the game’s code though.

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Haha clearly I just think like a computer ;)

I immediately went "right well if I don't to this grid-based and symbol-based I'm going to get horribly confused very quickly"

Also yeah getting criticism is my fav part of jams as well!

And yeah it's a tricky thing to balance, because you don't want to go too far the other way, and have it feel like you're just following instructions from the book